Contact Us

Feders Wholesale Distributors11805 Vose Street

North Hollywood, CA 91605

818-982-3300 F: 818-982-3830

  1. #1 by JOSEPH RUSSO on July 17, 2011 - 8:00 am

    thank you for a/c i just bought. IT runs great excellent product. Thanks again Joe

  2. #2 by admin on July 18, 2011 - 9:10 am

    Thank you for your purchase Joseph!

    We’d love your feedback here, here, or here.

    Stay cool!

  3. #3 by michael on July 8, 2013 - 5:55 pm

    my client wants a NEST thermometer. Do you sell them to the trade?


  4. #4 by admin on July 9, 2013 - 9:37 am

    Thanks for your message.

    We are in the midst of the NEST approval process.

    Ultimately, we hope to sell these units to our contractors and installers, but are unable to at this time.

  5. #5 by RICK on January 4, 2018 - 8:41 am

    I am writing to inquire the replacement cost of a “Fedders Window A/c model number: A2Q10F2BG

    If this model is no longer made, which model Fedders or comparable model would replace and what is the price.

  6. #6 by admin on January 4, 2018 - 12:22 pm

    Several available.

    Please call us toll-free: 866-333-3770.


  7. #7 by Will Dixon on January 21, 2020 - 1:42 pm

    Wondering if you guys carry electric wall ovens in white
    Looking for a basic model in the 5-900 dollar range

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